AI’s Shadow Dance

A Tale of False Information and Market Disruption In the matrix of our modern economy, as we weave in and out of its intricate tapestry, we encounter two rather formidable

Adventures of the fantastic trio

Unveiling the Chronicles of DLT, VR, and AI Once upon a time, in the far-off world of digital technology, a special friendship was born. This was no ordinary friendship, for

Chapter 1: The Digital Concert

A Symphony of DLT, IR, and AI In the bustling realm of the Mayaa-verse, our trio planned to host a grand concert. IR, with its vivid imagination, envisioned a concert

Embracing the Blockchain Beast to Tame the AI Tiger’

As we step forward into an era of accelerated digital innovation, two potent technologies – Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) – weave an intriguing narrative that bears the potential to

‘Hello! is it me you’re looking for?’

A Trusted Framework for AI Governance Like an AI system learning to decipher human nuances, let me shed light on how I, a technology called Blockchain, can bolster trust in

AVATAR, It’s you…. has to be important

As the technology becomes more sophisticated, realistic and immersive, the virtual ecosystem grows more robust, beckoning, almost compelling, your presence and participation in the boundless digital universe for purposes professional,


The virtual world, the newest technological hustle, is contagiously spreading across the globe promising an alternate digital world appearing to be as real as the reality, with the echoes of

The Circumferentially Immersive Tread Through Time..

To that moment, can we travel?Intrigue in history, can we unravel?Previewing the future, can we marvel??? Poetic? I guess yes! but as they say ‘poetry’ takes birth when man envisions


“STARTUP”. Almost a moniker.  Simple, sweet, and easy terminology … Got an idea… find an investor…build the product… pitch it to the public… (The best part is that it can

“I am not what I am…”

(From the eyes of Blockchain) The title best describes my personal tragedy, endured every day since I came into being…. Indulge me please while I try Brancusi’s and Michelangelo’s subtractive